The Beginning



Pain had always been a part of her. As well as desperation, helplessness and frustration. Hers was no fairytale. She had been shunned simply because she was female, and then hated for the colour of her skin. When the white men took her from her village in deep, dark Africa, what she felt was… relief. But she said goodbye to the tyranny of the patriarchy, only to face the intolerance of the white supremacy. 

Now she stands, gazing out at the cheering crowd, remembering the seventy something years gone by, being honoured for her philanthropic work in women empowerment and her fight against racial discrimination, knowing all the pain… had been worth something.


Is it just me, or is there a tingle in the air? Get ready for Mosana, as she's going to tell her story once and for all. It's been a long time coming, people. Watch out for the next post!


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